Dipping Into Sin 2: Digging Deeper Into Sin Read online
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“I’m not going anywhere with you,” Simone cried out the moment, I opened the back door and tossed her duffel bag in the back seat.
Ignoring Simone, I slammed the back door shut and walked around my car. Hopping inside, I shifted gears and exited the parking lot. During the drive home, Simone remained silent, but I could feel her fury bouncing off of her. Between my anger and her anger, we both were liable to make the wrong move.
“This is my fucking job—my livelihood!” Simone shouted the moment we pulled up in front of the house. Shifting the gear in park, I unbuckled my seat belt and continued to remain silent. Trying to explain to Simone that I would go through great lengths to protect her—even give my life for her was useless. Leaning my head back into the headrest, I took in Simone’s angry hollers. That was until she said…
“I’m not your concern Andriano.”
Cutting my eyes in her direction, I said forwardly in a malignant tone, “You’ll always be my concern.” Leaving her speechless, I latched onto the door handle and pulled it. Coming around, I opened the door for Simone. Avoiding eye contact, she brushed past me and walked towards the house. Unlocking the front door, Simone walked into the darkness of her home. Closing the door behind me, I searched for the nearest switch and stopped at the far right corner of the foyer.
“I need you to take me to get my car in the morning,” Simone said as she faced me with crossed arms.
Nodding my head, I lifted my t-shirt over my head and walked past her into the kitchen. Running my finger under the water, I washed away all of the blood before lathering my hands with soap.
From the corner of my eye, I noticed Simone going into the freezer and pulling out an ice tray. “Here,” she said awkwardly before walking away from me. Placing the ice pack over my swollen knuckles, I listened to sounds of Simone shuffling around her bedroom. Tossing the icepack into the sink, I made my way up the stairs with all intentions on showering the events of tonight off.
Wrapping the towel around my waist, I walked out of the bathroom and looked at Simone’s closed door. The wooden door blocked me from having access to my bella mia. Refusing to walk away, I moved closer to the door and decided against knocking on the door. Turning the knob, my cock immediately swelled as I painfully traced her curves with my eyes. Her back was facing me as she slid her nightgown over her head.
“Get out,” she said before turning around to face me.
Chapter Twenty-Two
Sitting across from Shannon in the staff lounge, I asked, “Hypothetically speaking, if I wanted to file a petition to have a restraining order placed against a person, how would I go about doing so?”
Choking on her water, Shannon grabbed a tissue from her lunch bag and dabbed the sides of her mouth and chin dry. “Girl, what’s going on? Spill the tea.”
Trying to hide all signs of emotions, I threw a skeptical glance at Shannon before saying, “There is nothing to spill Shannon. I just wanted to know because I have a friend who is going through something right now.”
Her eyes lingered over me a few second longer than necessary before saying, “Well, your friend would have to prove that she is being harassed or assaulted.”
“What if children are involved? Can it be extended to them as well since they are minors?” I asked.
Shannon leaned forward on her elbows and dropped her voice low before asking, “Are you sure this has nothing to do with you?”
“I’m sure Shannon,” I answered quickly before repeating my earlier question.
Leaning back in her chair, Shannon began, “Your friend would have to go to Family Court. From there, the court would issue a temporary order of protection for the children while they start their investigation. But if this person is the biological parent, the court could grant supervised visits while they proceed with the investigation. This includes the Child Welfare System being involved in the children’s lives and your friend’s life.”
Feeling the color drain from my skin, I started to feel nauseous. “How long does this generally take?”
Shaking her head, Shannon huffed out her answer, “It could take six months to a year. It definitely depends on the situation and how fast the courts move. Don’t get me wrong; if you—I mean your friend can prove that this person is endangering the welfare of your child, the court would have no problem making the order of protection permanent. They would need to contact current and past employers and would even go, as far as, searching through past records. If your friend has any past incidents or criminal involvements, they’ll become the immediate focus. This could prolong the process.”
Rubbing my fingers through my hair, I proceeded to massage my scalp to relieve the tension. I can’t expose my daughters to this madness, I thought as I struggled to hold back my tears.
“Simone, are you sure that everything is okay? I have a lawyer who helped make sure that my children’s father paid child support and lost his visitation rights. If you want, I could give you his number.”
Nodding my head, I broke a smile and said, “Thanks, Shannon, but that won’t be necessary. I’ll pass the information along to my friend, and hopefully this matter will get resolved. Standing up, I walked towards my locker and placed my lunch bag into my small duffle bag.
Wiping away a tear, I willed myself to remain strong like Grandma. Somehow…someway, I will get Andriano away from my daughters.
“Simone did you hear what happened to Dr. Jackson?” asked another nurse.
“No, what happened to the pervert?” asked Shannon. My hands shook as knots formed in my stomach. Listening closely, I continued to shuffle through my locker for nothing in particular.
“He was attacked last night in the parking lot.”
“Oh shit, do they know who did it?” asked another nurse from across the room.
“No, apparently there was a glitch with the cameras. The cops can’t seem to locate any footage from the time frame of 6PM to 8AM,” answered the nurse.
“How is Dr. Jackson?”
“His jaw and nose are broken. He suffered broken ribs and has eternal bleeding. And the most recent update revealed that he suffered from a retinal detachment in both eyes. He’s in really bad shape,” answered the nurse.
Drowning out the sea of murmurs, I exhaled and realized that by 7AM, my car was back at the house. Closing my locker door, I quickly left the lounge and prayed that the police never found the footage.
Five days later
Walking out of the bathroom, I placed my toothbrush and toothpaste into my duffle bag. This was the fifth night that I slept on the floor, and my body was starting to feel the effects of the wooden surface. Rubbing away the ache in my lower back, I looked at Simone’s bedroom door with enmity. She was torturing me in more ways than one. I don’t know which is worse, a back ache or a hard-on. Since being here, she’s done everything to keep her distance. I tried to steal moments alone with her, but she always managed to evade my grasp.
Walking away from her door, I looked towards our daughters’ bedroom. Yesterday, I spoke with a contractor to design their bedrooms according to their personalities. If only I could convince Simone to see reason, I thought as I turned the doorknob to their bedroom. Looking at each of my daughters sleeping, I couldn’t help but think about the harm that could come their way. Feeling my heart tighten, I knew that there would be no peace for anyone if anything happened to them or Simone.
Reaching for Olivia’s blanket, which seems to be on the floor every morning, I placed the cover on her again. Turning to Jasmine’s bed, I had to hold back the laughter from watching her squeeze the life out of her stuff animal. Across the room was Acelia’s bed. She slept with her legs and arms spread wide open with one leg hanging off of the bed.
Shutting the bedroom door, I walked towards the stairs and made the short trip to the kitchen to get started on their breakfast. Before I could even see her, my cock knew that she was in the kitchen. Someho
w, Simone had this effect on me that my whole body was attuned to her very existence. She heightened my senses in a way that was out of my control.
Leaning on the counter, I watched as Simone leaned forward into the freezer. Her robe did nothing to conceal her delectable curves. Hell, it did nothing to ease my erection either. Trailing my eyes up her thighs to her backside, I had to fight the urge to take her on the kitchen table.
“Shit,” she swore as she lifted her body up from the freezer. Looking down at her nails, Simone was not prepared to see me standing directly behind her. Bumping into my hardened stance, Simone’s eyes roamed up from my chest to my eyes. She looked incredibly sexy with her hair tussled around her chest, and her face refreshed and revitalized from a night's worth of rest. Breathing in her fruity scent, I knew that the time for playing nice was a dead conversation. Pressing her body against the freezer, I reached around her and dropped the lid while my other hand lifted her body off of the ground.
Her eyes became glassy as I held her close. This time, she couldn’t hide behind our daughters or her mother. She had no opportunity to escape me and, to be frank, there was no way that I could let her go without satisfying my craving.
“Andriano, don’t...” she said breathily as I invaded the space between her legs.
“I’m through letting you torture our bodies,” I whispered against her lips before sliding my fingers up her thighs. Reaching for the straps on her robe, I untied the knot and slipped my hand under her shirt.
“Andriano, please…” she moaned against my lips the moment I brought my lips to her nipple.
“Please, what? Please, fuck you until you can’t come anymore? Please, take you out of your misery?” I asked in between sucking her nipple. Gliding my fingers up her inner thighs, I found the spot that I desperately wanted to taste and feel.
Outlining his sculpted chest with the pads of my fingertips, I knew that I was in deep trouble the moment a moan escaped me. Sliding his fingers under my shorts, Andriano wasted no time slipping his middle finger inside while his thumb massaged my clit. Releasing my nipple from between his lips, Andriano watched as I became undone before his very eyes.
“Ohh, God,” I moaned out my pleasure as he stroked me.
“God can’t help,” he whispered close to my ear as he slid his finger out of me. Grabbing my shorts, Andriano pulled them down my thighs and started to pat my aching sex.
“Andriano,” I whimpered.
“Good morning,” my mother said, interrupting our heated exchange. Pushing his body away, I hopped off of the freezer and pulled the flaps of my robe together as I greeted my mother. Her eyes squinted slightly before looking between Andriano and me.
Embarrassed, I quickly brushed past my mother and walked out of the kitchen with all intentions on avoiding Andriano.
Feeling my phone vibrating against my thigh, I dug into my pocket and pulled out my phone. Nicolai, I read silently, as I slid the screen up and skimmed over the text message.
Nicolai: 3 RED
Andriano: When?
Nicolai: NOW
Looking at Simone’s glaring eyes, I excused myself and walked out of the room. Oh fuck, Nicolai texted in code. We developed a system of private coding the moment I became the Don. Nicolai, my right hand, was the only other person who knew the code.
1 is for our clubs, 2 is for our restaurants, and 3 is for La Costa Nostra business. The colors indicate the severity of the situations. RED meant danger, YELLOW meant sit down needed, GREEN meant situation is handled. The last time that Nicolai used code 3 RED was when we learned about the betrayal by Donald Spillmore. But, we solved that problem. What the fuck could be wrong now? Answering my call on the first ring, Nicolai sounded like he was preoccupied, judging by the sounds of sirens in the background. “Andriano, you have to get back to New York now.”
Just then, I saw Josephine’s name appear on the other line. Clicking ignore, I brought the phone back to my ear.
“Can you handle it?” I asked
“I’m on my way,” I told him and then hung up.
Scrolling through my contacts, I stopped at Kevin, my assistant’s number, and told him to book me a first-class ticket to New York. A few minutes later, he forwarded a message with all of the details. Fuck, I only have an hour. Brushing past me, Simone walked into our daughters’ bedroom and shut the door just as my phone began to ring.
Looking down at my phone, I pressed ignore and sent Josephine’s call to voicemail. I couldn’t be bothered with the bullshit that was going on in New York. But, I needed to tie up some loose ends before I could be the man that I needed to be for Simone and my daughters. I’m not going to lie, for the first time in a long time I feared that Simone would live up to her word. Five years ago I would have ordered my men to follow Simone and inform me about her every move. But, I trusted no one, especially when it concerns my bella mia and my daughters.
Just then, there was a knock at the door.
“Come in.”
Twisting the knob, I pushed the door open halfway and stuck half of my body into the room. Meeting Simone’s curious eyes, I felt like she could actually read my mind. She stopped brushing Olivia’s hair and waited for me to speak. Looking around the room, I located my other two daughters who were coloring. How could I leave them?
“I have to fly back to New York today,” I finally said as my stomach churned with underlying guilt.
“When are you coming back?” she asked.
“Tomorrow night.”
Chapter Twenty-Three
Queens, New York
“Have you read the newspapers, yet?” I asked the moment I drove out of John F. Kennedy International Airport. Without allowing him time to answer, I got straight to the point, “Don Capparelli is dead. The fat fuck was murdered.”
Sitting in silence, Andriano remained unbothered by the news. After a moment, he turned to look at me and asked, “Is that all? I flew back out here because that greasy shithead got whacked.”
Baffled by his response, my eyes glanced over in Andriano’s direction. He seemed zoned out as his eyes were glued to the passenger side window. “Are you fucking serious? Josephine’s father was practically butchered. Clearly the hit was fucking planned. I mean the motherfuckers killed his men assassination style, shot up his wife, and gutted the Don himself. Have you even spoken to her?”
Taking his silence as an answer, I shook my head in disbelief. It’s no secret that Andriano never gave a quarter-fuck about Josephine, but I would think that he had a little ounce of humanity in him to put his ill feelings aside.
“Did they check the cameras?” He asked after a few minutes passed.
“That’s the thing. This hit was done discreetly using some high-tech shit. The cameras were disabled during the hit. So there are no surveillance footage to look back at. The hitters must have used silencers because none of the neighbors heard gunshots. Detective Milano said that besides Donna becoming Swiss cheese, the hit was a clean sweep. None of the guys pulled out their pieces,” I explained while cutting through the light traffic on the Belt Parkway.
“When were the bodies discovered?” Andriano asked nonchalantly.
“This morning. The maid went over to the house and discovered the first body at the gate. Detective Milano said that Don Capparelli’s index finger, his right ear, and his tongue were all cut off. Whoever did this was sending a message,” Vincenzo said from the backseat.
“They should’ve taken his fucking eyes out too,” Andriano snorted out.
“Come on man, really?” asked Vincenzo as he chuckled at Andriano’s vileness.
“Let’s get something straight. Between you and me, I’m only mad that I didn’t get a chance to kill that sack of shit myself. After all that he put me through five years ago, I planned on killing him myself,” Andriano said emphatically. “You just don’
t understand how much I wish this fucker died a slow painful death.”
Stunned into silence, I continued watching the road as I felt the anger radiate off of Andriano’s skin. He was clearly pissed that he didn’t get a chance to kill the Don himself. What the fuck happened?
“I’m flying back to North Carolina tomorrow night,” Andriano said forwardly.
“What’s in North Carolina?” I asked out of curiosity of Andriano’s sudden interest in the South.
From the corner of my eye, I could see Andriano’s eyes darken before saying, “Unfinished business.”
Nobody knew just how much I wanted to kill Josephine’s father. For the past five years, I thought about all of the violence that I planned on inflicting. For starters, he was the reason why I couldn’t go through with ending my engagement with Josephine. Two days before the engagement party, I had told Josephine that I was calling it off. She sent a series of text messages as if the bitch was really hurt. Ignoring her, I told my father that I needed an emergency sit down with him and Don Capparelli.
The next day Don Capparelli pranced around my father’s office with an air of victory radiating around him. He held a black folder tightly in his hands as he greeted my father with a kiss on each cheek. Once we were all seated in my father’s office, I wasted no time in stating the most obvious fact.
“I’m not going to marry your daughter,” I declared without a flicker of remorse. After facing another sleepless night without my bella mia, I couldn’t picture having to experience that for the rest of my life. Calling off the engagement was the first step that I needed to take on my quest to win back Simone. Though I anticipated a fight to win her back, especially after going through with the abortion; I vowed to spend the rest of my life making it up to her. I just hoped that she read the letter and opened the box that I had given her. Maybe she would understand…